Selasa, 17 Juni 2008

Women Live Longer Than Men

Hi all, Master punya informasi yang seharusnya kalian tahu nich.
It's a phenomena seen in everywhere lho that women live longer than men by 4 to 5 years.
Kasihan sekali kaum adam, ^o^
Apa sih penyebabnya ? Let's begin...
Para peneliti di negara antah berantah The Netherlands ^u^ menyatakan klo jawabannya ternyata "MENSTRUATION" and also ternyata laki-laki lebih sering terkena "cardiovascular problems / alias jantungan" dibandingkan wanita, ooo poor men...^n^.
What's a.....???
Master yakin sebagian dari kalian pasti mempunyai respon seperti itu ^u^
OK, penjelasan lebih lanjutnya begini :

When women menstruate, they release a hormone called "estradiol". Hormone "estradiol" is the main form of estrogen produced by the ovaries and the most efficient and potent estrogen. Did you understood about it ? Klo ngga ngerti pergi aja ke book strore and cari dech buku tentang kesehatan atau paling gampang browsing aja dech, klo lom ngerti juga, cape dech...^o^
This hormone gives the women' heart a workout, so the women cardiac output increases around 20 %.
It's equivalent to what happens whwn someone exercises, so women have less cardiac problems than men.

So, demikianlah yang Master share untuk kalian (bagi kaum adam, jelaskan klo ternyata wanita itu sangat perkasa, so jangan mau kalah donk, berusahalah secara fair guys and lebih hormati kaum hawa ya ^u^. For you, ladies, I'm proud with all of you, you're amazing warriors!)
Master hope that information above can help you and add your knowledge all...
Have a nice day !!!

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